Imports data from DoubleClick Campaign Manager.
Before you can download data from DoubleClick Campaign Manager you have to give Workflows access. You also have to switch on the API here.
conn_id: google_cloud_default
type: remarketing_lists
# Required config parameters
profile_id: 7654321
advertiser_id: 1234567
# Optional config parameters
name: ' - '
sort_field: ID
sort_order: ASCENDING
property | type | required | description |
type | enumerator (remarketing_lists) | yes | Contains the report you want to download. |
conn_id | string | yes | Connection string as handed to you by the Onesecondbefore team. Default is `google_cloud_default` |
profile_id | integer | yes | Profile ID of the user you want to use to export data. |
advertiser_id | integer | yes | Advertiser ID of which the data will be imported. |
floodlight_activity_id | integer | no | Filter. Floodlight activity ID of which the data will be imported. |
active | yesno (boolean) | no | Filter. If yes, import only data from active remarketing_lists. Use no if otherwise, Don't configure to import all remarketing lists. |
max_results | integer | no | Maximum amount of results to be imported. Leave empty to import all remarketing lists. |
name | integer | no | Filter. Filters on name of remarketing list. |
sort_field | enumerator(id, name) | no | Sorts results on id or name. |
sort_order | enumerator(ascending, descending) | no | Sorts results ascending or descending. |
item | description |
API | DoubleClick Campaign Manager 360 API |
Pre-formatted schema | Yes. Comes with a pre-formatted and described schema. |
Transforms | Yes. Field names are all transformed from camelCase (e.g. listSize) to snake_case (e.g. list_size) |